It has been a year and 10 weeks since our lives were fundamentally altered by a pathogen we are coming to realize was a veritable bioweapon cooked up and sloppily released by the CCP, with monies from the NIH. I am happy to say that we do appear to be emerging into a post-Covid world with decreasing cases and increasing vaccinations.
You may remember that my last post back on May 7 was titled “They’re all lying to us”. Given subsequent developments, it appears this is more true than even I believed. From my point of view, it looks like certain people should be indicted for perjury. It also appears that whatever sliver of credibility was retained by the so-called “mainstream media” should be doused in gasoline and burned to cinders.
Here in Pennsylvania, it’s definitely beginning to feel as though the pandemic is ending. There were 2 public questions on the ballot in the recent primary that were designed to limit the governor’s emergency declaration powers. Both passed easily. Gov. Wolfe has announced the end of pandemic restrictions as of late May, but given the new rules, they may actually have expired already.
I point this out because there is no longer any incentive to spin the pandemic so as to minimize Government restrictions. That’s over.
In a matter of 2 weeks, we have seen a huge shift in mainstream opinion on the origins of the virus. Since my last article, the dogma that the SARs Cov-2 virus spread through a “wet market” has all but collapsed. It is increasingly acknowledged that the likely source of this virus was a P4 lab run by the Chinese Communist Party.
At the onset of the illness in Wuhan, after initial intra-virology community disclosures, the Chinese prohibited all information from being released by the Wuhan lab. Shortly afterward, Chinese health authorities descended on a “fish market” in the town. This was done to create the myth that bats sold as “bushmeat” were the source of the infection.
They were ably assisted in this deception by the World Health Organization, the CDC, and by the NIH and NIAID (Dr. Fauci’s organization).
The selling of the “natural source theory” of the bat virus origins was going swimmingly, until last spring, when both Republican Senator Tom Cotton and then-President Trump, claimed to be privy to intelligence suggesting that the virus originated in the Wuhan Lab.
I’m sure you’ll remember what happened next.
Here is a wonderful compilation of the press reaction to those statements:
Let us just say that terms like debunked, discredited, dismissed, hoax and crackpot, all came into common press usage in the weeks afterward. This treatment was also the response to the extremely well-documented report published at that time by Joshua Phillips of the Epoch Times.
So, now it’s May 2021. Within a few weeks, multiple well-established journalists publish reports, supporting, very credibly, the lab origin theory. Suddenly, with Donald Trump banished, the press has changed its tune.
With the press embargo apparently lifted, information starts to flow, Suddenly we find out that in November 2019, 3 workers in the Wuhan lab became ill with symptoms consistent with the virus, so much so that they were transported to a hospital.
We know from the Phillips report, that even the Chinese government investigation found that the first four victims of coronavirus were known to have had nothing to do with the “wet market”.
We have also learned, that in early 2020 both the Australian and Thailand intelligence services, reported to the US on a possible release at the Wuhan site.
Suddenly the Trump and Cotton statements start to make sense. This also explains why the Trump CDC head, Robert Redfield, also supports a lab origin for the virus.
Apparently now, quite suddenly, so does Dr. Fauci. He spent over a year decrying the possibility rather vehemently and mocking those who espouse it. Suddenly this week, he has quietly alluded to the possibility and now suggests an investigation into the matter. I have no words that would express adequately my disgust.
As Tucker Carlson pointed out in a recent opening segment, if the virus was engineered or just accidentally released from the lab, then this is the single worst (by far) man-made disaster in human history. That would make the people that diverted, dissembled, and outright lied to withhold the truth major world-class villains.
One more thought: Donald Trump’s endorsement of the lab origin theory was enough to set the national press on an organized effort to discredit the concept. Now with their dream of his defeat realized, they are suddenly completely reversing their opinion.
What else did Trump endorse? He endorsed hydroxychloroquine, which prompted the same exact response from the press, as well as Dr. Fauci, despite all manner of data, from anecdotal, to peer-reviewed that supported its use, early on, in the disease course.
If this effort to discredit the medication was to “get Trump”, then those who were involved in the effort may be responsible for thousands of patients who may have experienced severe illness or even death, because early treatment was withheld.
I want to remind you that these lies hurt people of all political stripes, not just conservatives. The elite media’s manipulation of the facts potentially harmed even their own loyal consumers. No one should ever trust them again.
In a just world, those public officials and associates who for political reasons, distorted and withheld information needed to address this pandemic would be investigated, and if necessary, indicted and tried. The journalists and pundits who supported the effort would be mocked, shamed, and hopefully fired. Their employers would be sued into bankruptcy by the victims and their families.
The lesson we should learn from this is simple. There is essentially no ethics left in either government, “big tech” or the media. Do your own research(on DuckDuckGo not on Google). If Facebook suppresses a viewpoint, find out more about it.
Stop parroting the orthodoxy on social media. Those posts may not age well.
Form your own opinion. Don’t be afraid if it conflicts with the viewpoint of your particular political or identity group.
In these increasingly weird times… it could save your life.
As always, I’d be honored if you’d share.
Header image: Blueberry blossoms (Fujifilm X100V)