It is been a year and 5 months since the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last week, the false promise of vaccination fed to us by government health officials have been proven to be a lie. And who is the whistleblower? It is none other than the “Dean of gain of function” Dr. Anthony Fauci himself. And he accomplished this with one statement which has gone on to have multiple impacts.
The good doctor had been trying to explain the CDC’s recent update on masking, reintroducing the practice. He made this statement in an interview with NPR:
“The fact that you have a high level of virus in the nasal pharynx of an infected person who has a breakthrough, namely was vaccinated but had a breakthrough infection, and is now capable of transmitting that infection to an uninfected person, that is the thing that is a bit alarming in the sense of triggering the change in the guidelines that the CDC.”
This has multiple implications. It is true the current vaccinations reduce somewhat people’s chances of contracting COVID-19. But the delta variant may be more resistant than previous strains.
There are and were always going to be breakthrough infections. After all, this is a coronavirus, and for the most part, people get re-infected multiple times during their lives. What the vaccine consistently seems to do, is to protect us against severe disease and keep the infection minimally symptomatic, like a cold. Well, that is certainly useful.
But we have been harangued by the government, that we must obtain the vaccine for the good of humanity; to stop the pandemic and prevent the spread to our fellow man. We now have both governmental and private entities demanding that you be vaccinated if you are to go to their school, work at their facility, or even patronize their business. All of this is said to be for the greater good.
Pardon my French, but given Fauci’s statement, that is total bullsh*t.
If there is a significant breakthrough of this newest variant (between 10 and 40% of new cases), then that concept is now dead. The virus admittedly reduces new infections but does not in any way eliminate them. It’s beginning to look like the main benefit of the vaccine is to the vaccinated person only. It facilitates a mild infection which can lead to more complete natural immunity. In the process of that, however, the breakthrough cases can still spread the virus to others.
Thus, the decision to get “the jabs” is really no one’s business but one’s own. If vaccinated patients can get high titer infections often enough to require re-masking, then there is really no public health issue.
And of course, multiple studies show that vaccinating those with natural immunity confers no benefit. Still, our leaders insist.
There is another interesting twist to Dr. Fauci’s statement. In the months surrounding the vaccine release, I watched a podcast featuring a molecular biologist who was being interviewed. As I recall she was extremely well credentialed and talked about 2 potential problems with the proposed vaccines. She discussed the potential for autoimmunity for which there was a fairly widespread concern. She also discussed a phenomenon that can occur after taking the vaccine that could actually make your next infection worse. Because it was a single source, I did not write about this but filed it in my memory.
When Dr. Fauci described high nasopharyngeal titers in both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients alarm bells went off for some in the virology community. Enter Dr. Robert Malone, a physician/pathologist, and vaccinologist who apparently was involved in the development of mRNA vaccine technology. Speaking on Steve Bannon’s podcast he explained that Fauci’s statement was very concerning.
He explained that it is difficult to create vaccines against certain viral types including RSV, the dengue virus, and coronavirus. One of the issues is something called “antibiotic-directed enhancement”. This is a process that apparently occurs particularly when the vaccine effects begin to wane (as may be happening with the Pfizer product). The patient contracts the illness, but only a modest number of antibodies then attach themselves to the virus. This is followed by so-called killer cells (monocytes and macrophages) which attach to the antibodies and destroy the virus. Here’s a very detailed and balanced look at this effect (written this January, before Delta).
If, however, ADE occurs, then the virus can actually invade the monocytes and macrophages, reproduce within them, and destroy their functionality. This leads to much higher viral titers and a much more severe illness. Dr. Malone is concerned that the fact that vaccinated patients having such robust viral loads could mean that this is occurring with the Covid vaccines.
This process can be confirmed by measuring the serum viral titers in groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients to check for this “enhancement” effect in the vaccinated. If this is indeed a problem, he claims that the use of the products involved should be discontinued. This has occurred in the past in both human and veterinary vaccine trials.
There has always been a cheaper, and more elegant way to “herd immunity”. There is more and more data to confirm the efficacy of inexpensive, safe, repurposed medications such as hydroxychloroquine and particularly Ivermectin to decrease the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. Using these drugs in protocols to treat patients could potentially have significantly reduced hospitalizations and saved many lives. It also would’ve led to more durable and complete immunity for our population.
Unfortunately, though, it would’ve interfered with Big Pharma’s bottom line, so we, the people lose.
It’s time for everyone to examine the facts and think for themselves. Our government officials are now flailing around in their own web of ignorance and lies.
Be your own best advocate.
As always, I’d be honored if you would share.
Header image: August on the Nescopeck( Samsung Galaxy S20 5G UW)