This article, edited, appeared in The American Thinker on May 16th, 2023
Several weeks ago, on my way to lunch, I stopped at the testing facility in our hospital for my weekly COVID test. This has been a requirement of my employment for at least the last year and a half after I refused vaccination. The pretty young woman that has been assisting me, collected my sample. She then informed me that the testing facility was closing for good later today. Subsequently, the hospital administration minimized the requirements for masking within the facility. With these developments, it felt as though the COVID debacle had finally ended.
Reflecting on this, I think back over the 3+ years and cannot escape the profound effect it has had on my life both during the pandemic and now afterward. I have seen death, certainly particularly in older patients and those with comorbid problems. But I have also seen fear and anxiety as a catalyst of social change, and generally not for the good. I have seen factionalism develop over differences in one’s level of vigilance and concern over the disease burden, and later about attitudes towards treatment and vaccination.
I lost friendships. In the beginning it was over the fear of being in contact with me as a caregiver for these patients. Later it was because I invoked natural immunity, and avoided vaccination. I endured their ridicule and even anger about my quaint notions of viral immunity, ideas that would have seemed completely rational, 2 years before.
Now things are changing. Very quietly I think people have grown to accept the notion that this virus was born in the Wuhan lab. It became clear that the draconian lockdowns were of little help, and left a lot of economic, social, and educational damage. They are finally beginning to understand that natural immunity, though not perfect, is likely to be more durable than that provoked by “boosters”.
It is also beginning to sink in, that the vaccines, were untested, minimally helpful and are likely to an extent unsafe, especially for the young. The lack of acceptance of the new bivalent injection I think confirms a new public wariness. Likewise, there has been a pronounced lack of enthusiasm for pediatric inoculation.
But for me, there have been much broader revelations.
As a physician in my 40th year of practice, the events of the past several years have had a profound effect on the way I think of the care I have been rendering.
The CDC, and NIH, manipulated the government, and the willing press, into supporting incredibly corrupt behavior. Prestigious medical journals, such as the Lancet, suspended their usual stringent review processes to publish fraudulent data. The regulatory agencies, and Pharma, acting in concert, punished non-doctrinaire opinions. They manipulated our academic institutions by the issuance and withholding of grant money. Leaders such as the beloved Dr. Fauci promoted phony letters to the editor decrying the lab leak origin story. This was done to protect the NIH and its likely illegal contributions to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research.
Because of all of this, I looked back and wondered about my entire career. Was everything a lie? Were there medications, perfectly adequate, that I was convinced to discontinue in favor of new patented and expensive medications, with less well-understood safety profiles? How many of the other articles that I had read over the years were corrupt documents, meant to bolster the profits of the pharmaceutical industry? Just how badly have I been manipulated?
As a physician, particularly at my age, I have tried hard to remain current with my specialty. But how much of the latest information I absorbed served only to support the lucrative relationship between academic medicine and their sponsors at the pharmaceutical companies.
I never meant to bring too much drama to this pandemic, which I was fairly sure, even early on, would not be as severe as the doomsayers predicted. But I failed to anticipate the more profound interpersonal, economic, and professional impacts it would have on my life and that of others.
There is a punch line here. Despite being completely asymptomatic, and despite the fact, that months ago, the CDC declared random testing to be useless my last test was… positive.
Feels like a fitting end for this nonsense…at least for now.
Bare Larch on Herron Pond (Nikon D7000, Nikkor 16-85mmf3.5-5 VR)
This Article was Published on February 5th in the American Thinker
It’s a common occurrence in winter. A patient calls their primary physician. They report a nonproductive cough, slight hoarseness, muscle aches, and a low-grade fever. The physician, and likely the patient, realize that this is almost certainly a viral upper respiratory infection. If the patient were in the office, the physician may test for a streptococcal bacterial infection, but it will likely be negative.
This is probably an infection with a rhinovirus, adenovirus, or endemic coronavirus. Despite this, the afflicted patient will happily proceed to the pharmacy to pick up their prescription for an antibiotic. The patient will feel as though the physician was proactive for them, something the doctor certainly understands.
This prescription however will be of no value to the patient and may actually cause issues for them. Yet pharmacies in the US see this type of prescription, thousands of times a day.
It occurs, despite the fact that physicians are constantly reminded that gratuitous antibiotic prescriptions come with side effects, and can lead to antibiotic resistance. Beyond that, there is no tangible resistance to this practice from the medical establishment or healthcare authorities.
Now let’s imagine that another patient calls in. This patient also has a dry cough scratchy throat, muscle aches, and a low-grade fever. Only this patient had a Covid test kit at home and tested positive. The physician wants to prescribe a medication with no risk of bacterial resistance and a very benign side effect profile. He’s read lots of literature to suggest it will be helpful. There are a significant number of double-blind studies showing it to be effective in the treatment of SARS Co-V2. It has been used in multiple countries with excellent results. Except, in this case, the physician will find it impossible to prescribe that medication. It will be impossible because that medication is Ivermectin. And somehow it has been removed from the market.
Not only has this FDA-approved, Nobel prize-winning drug been made unavailable, but if a physician were to prescribe it, or advocate it as therapy, they are threatened with the potential loss of their medical license, their hospital affiliations, and their board certification.
It gets even more ironic. I’ve noticed that some physicians are prescribing a very common antibiotic called azithromycin for their Covid patients. It is well understood that for Covid 19 when taken alone, it is of no value. There is absolutely no data to show efficacy in Covid 19. It has the same potential problems, as when it is prescribed for other viral infections. Yet the practice goes on, again unimpeded.
Let us go one step further. Levofloxacin is another antibiotic, introduced in 1996. It was unusual in that it can treat a broad variety of infections, even those that are severe, but is can be given orally. Because of this, it was over-utilized, threatening to create drug resistance.
In 2016, the FDA issued a black box warning because of several severe side effects including tendon rupture, peripheral nerve damage, for them and psychosis. Since then its usage has waned.
The drug was proposed as a treatment for Covid early in the pandemic but proved to have limited antiviral activity.
So I posed this hypothetical to several pharmacist friends: If a physician called in a prescription for azithromycin, or even levofloxacin, and gave the diagnosis of COVID-19, would they fill the prescription. The answer was yes, as there would be nothing to prevent it.
So, in other words, a physician is permitted to prescribe useless antibiotics, even those with serious adverse reactions according to the FDA for COVID-19 infection. If, as apparently, the FDA believes, ivermectin is similarly useless but benign, why is it alone being blocked?
Let us do some mathematics. As of this writing, there are roughly 890,000 deaths recorded in the United States related to COVID-19. I think most people understand that a lot of these deaths, are not due to the virus but from other comorbid conditions. The CDC has long stated that the number of deaths from Covid where there was no comorbid condition (In other words, healthy people who died from Covid) is roughly 7% of the total (65,000). In several meta-analyses, Ivermectin was shown to be roughly 65% effective at preventing serious disease and/or death. So, in the best-case scenario for them, our public health organizations, by suppressing Ivermectin, may be responsible for roughly 40,000 deaths. In fact, the vast majority of people who actually died from Covid had multiple comorbid conditions, so that number could be much higher.
I need to acknowledge that prescribing antibiotics for viral infections is something that the primary caregivers struggle with. Patients expect them to do something when they’re sick. They don’t appreciate being told to go home and take acetaminophen. Some may never come back and seek care elsewhere.
Yet patients have accepted that exact recipe for dealing with Covid 19, a disease they perceive may actually kill them.
So what’s the difference between prescriptions written for an anti-bacterial, versus Ivermectin, which is an anti-parasitic agent, for a viral infection? Both primarily target infectious agents other than viruses. If anything, even it was futile therapy, Ivermectin is safer than the antibiotics discussed. Yet it is the only medication that has been effectively banned
Given all of this, I think it’s easy to suspect that the FDA, the NIH, and the CDC actually understand the potential benefits of Ivermectin and other repurposed drugs. But they also realize that these medications threaten the profits of the pharmaceutical industry with which they are financially entwined.
What makes this even more infuriating is the government’s warm embrace of two new antiviral medications, Pfizer’s Paxlovid, and Merck’s Molnupivinir. These drugs have exactly one company-sponsored study each to vouch for their efficacy. Merck’s drug, by its own testing, is only 39% effective in reducing severe disease and/or death. There is no long-term safety data for either medication. Yet both have received emergency use authorization, and have suddenly popped up on government-approved treatment protocols.
As I look towards the end of my career, I’ve seen a lot of profit-oriented behavior by pharmaceutical companies. I think of the me-too drugs, molecules that are only slightly different than their now off-patent predecessors aggressively marketed to physicians. I’ve seen pharmaceutical reps, actually reimburse physicians for a certain number of prescriptions written for their medications. I’ve seen manipulation of the rules regarding inhaled medications to maintain their patents long after they would’ve expired.
But if they actively suppressed the adoption of useful medications during a pandemic, then this is beyond the pale. It would suggest a total collapse of any morality or sense of responsibility within the pharmaceutical industry, and their partners in the regulatory agencies.
I hope that someday, our investigatory agencies can push past the vast political power these companies have acquired through their burgeoning profits, and find out the truth.
This was originally published in The American Thinker on January 12th,2022. It has been slightly edited from that article
We are now officially entering the third year of the Wuhan surprise. We are experiencing a brand-new SARS co-V2 variant, Omicron, which is sweeping through the population like a lot of nasty winter respiratory infections. Except that we test for it. And we know its name.
As of early January, the Omicron makes up roughly 95% of cases in the Northeast (CDC data). In my state of Pennsylvania, for instance, our peak case numbers were triple what they were last December. Our hospital, and ICU occupancy so far however is slightly lower than last year, attesting to the more benign nature of this particular bug.
I was looking through the hospitalization data, on the Johns Hopkins site. As a former critical care specialist, two things are curious to me. Number one is that the total number of ICU beds in the country has fallen from 91,000 in January 2021 to 80,000 now. I’m sure that a portion of that decrease is due to acute illness of ICU personnel, given Omicron’s infectivity, and vaccine avoidance. I do wonder however how many of those beds were lost due to the firing of ICU staff due to their vaccines status.
The second strange data point is that in the US as a whole or Pennsylvania in particular, there are said to be roughly 20% of ICU beds unoccupied. In my experience over the years, intensive care units tend to be full, and we accept new admissions only by transferring out the least ill. If I was running a 20 bed ICU and had 4 open beds, I’d be feeling pretty comfortable. Maybe this data is wrong, but if it’s not, this is hardly a crisis.
As of January 2022, a majority of the population has been coerced into multiple inoculations, with spike protein-producing mRNA. Despite this, we are seeing record numbers. How could this be?
Data from Britain suggest that roughly 50% of coronavirus patients in the hospital, were admitted for something else. In the United States, those numbers fall between 30% and 60% depending on the locale. In our hospital, there has been an obvious reduction in acuity for patients that carry the Covid diagnosis, given the benign characteristics of Omicron.
It has become rather clear that natural immunity and/or vaccination/booster status are irrelevant in the current surge. In fact, in the case of vaccination, there is data from Iceland and Denmark suggesting that the population most prone to Omicron are those who have had the full original course of the vaccine. Here’s the data from Iceland, where the population is 91% fully vaccinated. If you look at infections per 100,000 people based on vaccine status, the fully vaccinated, have the highest prevalence of infection. Now in the same data set, it’s clear that the vaccinated have less severe disease, which we have been saying for some time, In the case of Omicron, for most people, that point is moot, given the mild nature of the syndrome.
Again I say, if you’re interested in being vaccinated or boosted, that’s your choice. But given Omicron’s obvious vaccine resistance ( which is likely to persist in future variants), the strategy of forcing a monovalent vaccine on the population during a pandemic has clearly failed.
Data out of Israel suggests efforts there with a fourth Pfizer booster have been ineffective in preventing the spread of Omicron.
In my circles over the last month, I’ve had a fairly large group of friends and acquaintances, who have been infected. These include the vaxed and boosted, the group formerly known as fully vaccinated, the unvaccinated, and those like me with natural immunity. All of us, at a variety of ages, have had a roughly 3 to 4 day viral upper respiratory syndrome, of little consequence. I know from my practice, that this is also being seen more broadly in the community.
Another thing I have noticed is that given their cold-like illness, people that suspect they have omicron are reluctant to be tested, so as not to be inconvenienced by having to isolate. This may be contributing to spread, but also signals a change in attitude towards this illness among many people.
In a sensible world, given this data, public health officials would quietly back away from the insistence on mass inoculation, and begin to feature therapeutics in their approach to Covid. I wouldn’t actually expect them to admit failure, but perhaps only to change their emphasis. Instead, they are doubling down.
In my former life as a doctrinaire practitioner, I would’ve been loath to consider the wild claims of medical conspiracy theorists. Some talk about the vaccine containing graphene, and other nanoparticles meant to monitor and control. I certainly don’t believe in these theories. But the escalating efforts to penalize the unvaccinated by their governments seem so irrational, that it is not unreasonable to wonder: what the hell is going on?
Why insist, that an increasingly ineffective immunization be given again and again, at shorter intervals, to the entire human population, including children who tend not to be severely affected? And how can we force injections with products that are still officially investigational, and not FDA approved? And why, as these vaccines have the highest rate of adverse effects by far, according to the CDC’s VAERS data, do we insist? And by firing reluctant healthcare workers, who have a fairly high rate of vaccine hesitancy (I wonder why?), we are stripping the healthcare system of talent we now claim to desperately need.
None of this passes any test of common sense. More and more I think people are beginning to realize this, and are growing skeptical. Even elements of the press are starting to ask questions like: “how many more boosters will we be expected to take?”
There is an alternate way, as shown by countries as diverse as India, Mexico, and Japan. We need to encourage early treatment, with cheap safe, and proven antiviral therapy such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, in protocols that have already been developed. Pfizers new drug Paxlovid may be useful if further studies confirm safety and efficacy. If people wish to be vaccinated, fine, but only with products approved for use by the FDA (Pfizer’s Comirnaty). This would mean patients would have legal recourse if they were to suffer a devastating side effect.
We have a right to expect competency, not corruption from our public health officials.
It has been 21 months of social upheaval and weirdness since the gift of love from the NIH and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In that time period, we have seen a widespread loss of faith in our government health apparatus based on contradictory, illogical, and frankly nefarious behavior.
I’ve divided this article into two parts:
Part number one was intended to be published on 18 November, but frankly, for a variety of reasons, including sloth, I didn’t get around to it.
Part two is being written today. I’m doing this in part because of new developments that are significant, and also as a bit of “I told you so”.
Part one: November 18
Overall U.S. Covid “cases” are falling, particularly in the South, while some isolated northern states are having surges. We have seen this seasonal pattern before, with the arrival of the outdoor recreation season in some climates, while others seek shelter as temperatures drop.
If you look at recent data, the percentage of hospitalizations and death, as a percentage of the total “cases” has also been falling. This is likely due to multiple factors, including vaccination, increasing natural immunity, and better care particularly in the ICUs. It may also be due in part to the more benign characteristics of the current “delta” variant which is now dominant in the population.
A virus can be thought of as a small biological machine. They are not considered as living entities, but more as mechanisms. The spread and dominance of variants tend to occur when mutations cause a particular set of useful characteristics:
1. The virus evolves to be more infectious. This could mean that smaller numbers of viruses are needed to institute an infection, and/or the virus changes characteristics to survive better between hosts. The virus can also evolve to create symptoms in the host that facilitate spread, such as coughing or diarrhea.
2. The virus becomes less lethal. These little mechanisms derive no benefit from killing their host. Arguably the virus can spread more rapidly if the symptoms are mild, and the host remains in contact with others. Decreasing lethality will also be caused by an increase in acquired immunity in the population (and perhaps their offspring). In other words, we and the virus evolve so that we can coexist.
Other than the outlier viruses SARS CoV, MERS Co-V, and SARS-CoV2, there have been four coronavirus types that typically circulate in the population and cause respiratory infections. These typically cause mild to moderate symptoms though they too can be the cause of pneumonia, and ultimately death, in vulnerable populations. They are estimated to be responsible for 10 to 30% of viral respiratory infections.
Now here’s the thing. Because they are generally benign, and there has been no therapy identified specifically for these viruses, we generally do not test for them. And we certainly do not isolate or vaccinate. But we do for Covid. And at some point, that is going to have to change.
Coronaviruses in general have been endemic in the human population for thousands and thousands of years. Acquired immunity to them tends to be “relative” in that people tend to be reinfected multiple times in their lives, but typically with modest symptoms.
That may explain the performance of the current vaccines. At this point, they do not seem to prevent infection and spread but do seem to blunt the severity of the illness that results (though this effect is also waning). The point is, that SARS-CoV2, will likely become an endemic virus, and any expectation that you will not be reinfected at some point is probably unrealistic. At some point, we will need to normalize our behavior towards this infection and cease with all the isolation and dramatics.
There is some hope. As much as I despise Pharma, and their actions regarding hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, Merck, and now Pfizer, have introduced oral medications for Covid. Happily, these drugs are patented, so the pharmaceutical companies will make a lot of money and so happily promote their use.
Pfizer claims that their medication Paclovid, reduced hospitalization by 89% and death by 100% in their clinical trials. If this bears out, it would definitely be a significant development, with the potential to change both the epidemiology and psychology of this illness. Merck claims that their new medication Molnupiravir, was roughly 50/100% effective using the same criteria.
In case you wondered, in several meta-analyses, Ivermectin is about 65% for early treatment, with similar numbers for late treatment. It’s about 87% effective for prophylaxis.
I wonder, given these new medications, and the growing sense that the vaccines seem both relatively risky and ineffective, that Pharma will deemphasize the “jabs” for their new therapeutics. This may be especially true now that monoclonal antibody cocktails given subcutaneously, have recently been shown to have potential as COVID-19 prophylaxis for as long as eight months.
Part two:
So that was written on November 15-17. It is now 2 weeks later and there have been significant developments since.
The number one development would be the continual deterioration in vaccine performance. We are now seeing significant numbers of fully vaccinated people admitted to ICUs, in some cases never discharged. Both director Walinsky, and Dr. Fauci have been forced to acknowledge this. Their answer: inject patients with even more spike protein mRNA.
There is an abstract published in the Journal Circulation that studied the body’s release of certain biomarkers predictive of cardiac complications after receiving the mRNA vaccine. It concluded: “that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
Now, remember back in 1998. A paper was published by one study group investigating the effect of hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal females on the heart. It concluded surprisingly, that cardiac outcomes were worse in females who were receiving HRT. In an instant, HRT ceased as an option for women.
Let’s see whether this Circulation article has a similar effect on these vaccines (I doubt it).
Poor Merck. They spent the last year impugning their old drug Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid 19. Shockingly they then released their new oral therapeutic, Molnupiravir which they initially reported as having a 50% reduction in illness and death when used treatment of SARs-CoV2. This made Dr. Fauci very excited.
Fun fact: Molnupiravir works by inserting errors into the viral genetic code. Apparently, during the trials, subjects were required to refrain from heterosexual sexual intercourse, and in the case of females, be using birth control. What could go wrong?
Earlier this week they downgraded that effectiveness number to roughly 30%. This is a problem when Pfizer is reporting 89% effectiveness of their new oral medication Paclovid. If this data bears out I would imagine Molnupiravir will be a bust. Karma is a bitch.
Just so you know, the geniuses in our government have already arranged to buy $1.7 billion worth of this apparent loser. Oops.
By the way, the much more effective Pfizer drug uses a similar mechanism of action to… You guessed it… Ivermectin.
And now we have the Omicron variant emerging from South Africa. This apparently has the World Health Organization in a tizzy, which the press is dutifully reporting. This variant is said to carry multiple mutations including changes to the spike protein (you know, where the vaccines work). It is said to be more infectious than Delta, but there are indications that symptoms are generally mild. There is obviously great hand wringing that it will be vaccine-resistant (like delta already is?).
Maybe they can lock us down again this Christmas.
To close this up, let me review the facts we need to remember to avoid being manipulated by the hype.
SARs-CoV2 is a respiratory virus, much less severe than SARs1, and over time, roughly as deadly as a bad influenza season.
We are being pushed to take multiple doses of hastily developed, still investigational monovalent vaccines. We are vaccinating during a pandemic which generally a bad idea. The vaccines over time do not really appear to be very effective.
The new variant is likely doing what viruses are supposed to do; evolving to become more infectious but less virulent. It is frightening to the medical establishment, because its spike protein mutations threaten to completely discredit their entrenched “vaccine only “policies.
Given the large percentage the population with pre-existing Coronavirus exposure, and ongoing SARs-CoV2 infections, there is likely a high percentage of the population with broad-based immunity, even to new variants.
There are effective IV and now oral medications. Some are repurposed, but there is a new oral med they may actually allow us to use to treat this infection when it occurs.
I apologize for the length of this. I confess that writing these articles helps me to disperse the toxic degree of cognitive dissonance I experience when ingesting Covid information from the government and the media.
I very much appreciate your interest, your shares, and your comments.
It is been a year and 7 months since a viral pandemic exposed the craven liars who are in charge of our public health organizations, their absolute fealty to “Big Pharma” and disregard for the welfare of the common man.
The indoctrination of the citizenry into fear of a viral respiratory infection has been accomplished through a supplicant news media. The more weak-minded individuals who are their acolytes, are now in conflict with more skeptical folks, who notice the discrepancies in what they’re being told, and refuse to submit. I guess at this point, I stand with the latter group.
I am absolutely infuriated over the draconian vaccine mandates imposed by the current administration. Both Anthony Fauci, and CDC head Dr. Rachel Walinsky have publicly stated that the vaccine does not prevent spread. In multiple reports, viral titers in vaccinated patients with recurrence, are as high as, or higher than those of unvaccinated patients. As I have stated multiple times, the value of the vaccine is to reduce the severity of your illness, which may get you safely through a Covid infection, towards much more potent natural immunity.
Over the last several weeks, I have been touched by this in my personal life. The small community where I live has a social organization and a fairly lively schedule of events. One of my favorites is a dinner that occurs in early October, which serves as a fundraiser. Typically, my wife and I will invite 3 other couples to join us, filling a table. The event could not occur last year, and we were excited to see it return.
Unfortunately, when the invitation came out, it was accompanied by a new rule: Vaccinated only.
Now people involved with this dinner, read my articles. They are aware that I have been infected and thus have not been vaccinated (my wife who was never infected, has had her two inoculations).
So, my group and I were not invited. I know some others in the community who, based on this rule, were also excluded. A couple of days ago, the dinner, apparently not a draw this year, was canceled. What is sad is that, given the failure of the vaccine to prevent spread, making it mandatory for the event was useless and counterproductive.
The problem is you can’t reason with people. When I am in the Adirondacks, I enjoy stopping into a small private club in town. I was there a couple of weeks ago and stopped off only to find a sign on the front door, with a “vaccination only” message”. I was told that the Board of Directors had decided on this policy. Later in the week, I encountered one of the board members (a pretty nice guy by the way). I made the argument above, which I think frustrated him. He finally ended the discussion by saying: “We had to do something about Covid!”.
There you go. I moved on to another topic.
Dr. Fauci is really in need of retirement (and indictment?) at this point. His arrogance and his blatant dishonesty are constantly on display in the media. He was recently asked by Margaret Brennan, moderator of “Face the Nation”, whether we can “gather for Christmas, or it is just too soon to tell?’ Now this is a stupid question on a lot of levels. His reflexive answer was “it’s just too soon to tell”. This to me speaks volumes about the control these people believe they should have on our behavior. Now in fairness, he has backpeddled rather aggressively after a nasty response on social media, but for a minute we caught a glimpse of his mindset.
A much more infuriating comment was made in an interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta at CNN. Fauci was asked a question, referencing recent data out of Israel suggesting that natural immunity is much more potent than that induced by the vaccination. He responded: “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that” he went on to question the durability of natural immunity versus that from “the jab”.
This is literally unbelievable. This is a man who is in charge of all responses to Covid. He would, or at least should have knowledge of the published material on this topic. No really firm answer? If that is not a deliberate lie, then he is incompetent.
The CDC estimates there are likely as many as 120 million people that have recovered from Covid. These people deserve a well-reasoned answer to the question of whether to be vaccinated. Given the amazing amount of data, from well-designed well-controlled studies that consistently show more complete and durable immunity can be achieved naturally, one is definitely available. He is undoubtedly the reason why, the NIH and CDC recommend post-infection vaccination even though there is a large increase in adverse effects, many serious, in this group.
I do think the vultures are circling for the good doctor. First, Francis Collins, Fauci’s boss and the longtime head of the NIH resigned. Then the NIH releases a letter to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, essentially admitting to the fact that indeed they funded indirectly, gain-of-function research on bat viruses in the Wuhan lab. This directly contradicts testimony given under oath by both Fauci and Collins. Here’s the story, from that notorious right-wing publication Vanity Fair.
Finally, there is the topic of molnupiravir, Merck’s new antiviral currently in trials for the treatment of Covid 19. In a preliminary study of 385 early Covid patients (vs 377 placebo), it dropped hospitalization rates from roughly 14 to roughly 7% credited as a 50% improvement. The tablet, which is said to cost $70 a tablet, and was given as 4 tablets, twice a day for 5 days.
Enter Dr. Fauci again. After the results of a single Merck-sponsored study, he proclaimed: “the results of the trial that were just announced yesterday and the day before are really quite impressive”. Think back now to spring 2020, and his skepticism of promising early results on cheap and readily available hydroxychloroquine. Not much difference in the quality of data but a big difference in his enthusiasm.
Of course, there is Merck’s old off-patent drug Ivermectin, or in CNN usage book: “horse dewormer”.
A recent meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics rigorously evaluated the 60 or so available Ivermectin papers and ended up screening down to 24 randomized control trials, looking at mortality as an outcome. On average the studies showed a 62% decrease in mortality for ivermectin versus placebo. There were also improved severity outcomes also though they were not a primary endpoint. What was the reaction from Dr. Fauci… crickets?
The cost of Ivermectin? The drug is somewhat in demand now and has gotten more expensive. I looked on GoodRx and found that the standard course for treatment of Covid costs between $29 and $60 depending on the pharmacy, and whether you had coupons. In developing countries, the cost of a course is under 2 dollars
Here’s the best part. The government has committed to purchasing $1.7 billion of molnupiravir, should it get past the FDA. This is after spending billions more on its development. This was done despite the fact that we have a cheap, safe, repurposed drug that appears to be just as if not more efficacious.
It should be clear now, that this tapestry of lies woven by public health officials, Pharma, our elected officials, and the press, is rather obviously unraveling:
The vaccines are not really vaccines, and they don’t prevent spread. At best, they function as marginally effective therapeutics.
Our monovalent (one protein) vaccines are likely facilitating the emergence of new variants. SARS-CoV-2 was a product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab and was funded illegally, by the NIH/NIAID.
Federal and state governments continue to impose draconian vaccine mandates, despite the fact that they are useless, likely unconstitutional, and immoral.
And perhaps worst of all Big Pharma used its extraordinary influence to suppress cheap, effective therapy for this pandemic, costing likely hundreds of thousands of lives for the sake of profit.
What scares me the most is that as a society, I don’t know whether we will ever have enough insight, and integrity, to sort through all of this, and to punish those who are responsible.
If not, God help us.
As usual, I’d be honored if you’d share this post
Header image : Fisherman on Black Pond (Fujifilm XE3, XF 18-55mm f2.8-4)
It has been a year and 5 months since we first experienced the work product of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I must admit, that if you would have asked me on March 16, 2020, the date we originally locked down, I would have assumed the issue of the virus would be well and truly over by this time. It looks like I underestimated things.
It appears that we are expected to become overwrought with each new variant. Unfortunately, there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. We are only on #4.
Given that this is the end of Summer, we are dealing with controversies regarding school openings. School boards were in a difficult position. They were stuck trying to placate both sides of a fierce debate. In general, it seems logical to let individual districts, with the input of parents, decide the issue.
Though it is unclear to me that masks do anything in the school environment, the decision to require them should be made based on the case burden locally. What is appropriate for a rural district in, for instance, Potter County may be very different than an urban school district in Pittsburg.
Now, the state Department of Health has stepped in and mandated masks for all schools in the state, taking the decision out of local hands. I am sure school boards everywhere are sighing in relief. Still, this seems like Harrisburg overreach…again.
The CDC has recently announced guidelines that support masking children in schools. They are citing an observational, retrospective study they sponsored, using data from multiple school districts in Georgia.
The study was conducted on data from November and December 2020, prior to vaccine availability. It showed that improving ventilation in schools and the masking of teachers and staff (i.e.: adults, who are more susceptible to infection) resulted in a decreased incidence of infection. Improved ventilation as it turned out was statistically the much more effective intervention. It was a sloppy study with a lot of inconsistencies which reduces the power of the data.
Here is a paragraph from the article’s conclusion:
In the current study, the lower incidence in schools requiring mask use among teachers and staff members is consistent with research on mask effectiveness (6), and investigations that have identified school staff members as important contributors to school-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission (7). The 21% lower incidence in schools that required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional.
Now, with teachers likely vaccinated, I’m not sure this data is valid. As evidence, this seems like a very “thin gruel” to require masks for entire student populations.
Let’s turn now to a curious set of facts surrounding the FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine. It turns out that the current product, the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine, is not legally the FDA-approved product. That vaccine is the Pfizer “Comirnaty” vaccine. The original vaccine is still under “emergency use authorization”. Interestingly, very little of the new product has been manufactured, but there is plenty of stock of the Pfizer/BioNTech product, which will continue to be given.
Why would this be, you ask? Well, remember that these vaccines have had a significant number of adverse events according to the VAERS data. The older product under EUA is immune from legal action, whereas Comirnaty recipients can sue Pfizer for any complications.
I’m not trying to discourage vaccine use. Again, let me say that I believe each person, with the input of their physician, should make this decision based on their particular risk-benefit ratio.
Pfizer is obviously manipulating the situation, which doesn’t surprise me. I do find it very disturbing that the FDA seems to be cooperating with its efforts. Pfizer clearly benefits from the P.R. generated by the approval without giving up its legal immunity.
This manipulation also works for those in government that seek to mandate vaccinations. Meanwhile unknowingly, we will still receive a product that is still experimental.
Interestingly, two of the most senior people in the FDA involved with vaccine approval just suddenly resigned. Apparently, they were very unhappy with the rushed vaccine approval.
More to come on that, I suspect.
Finally, I once again return to the matter of natural immunity. 2 articles caught my eye recently. The first is an immunologic study from Cell Reports Medicine. This looked at the immune responsiveness over time (8 months) to Covid in 254 subjects who had contracted the disease early in the pandemic. They studied serial blood samples, measuring antibodies and other immunological markers. They conclude that: Taken together, these results suggest that broad and effective immunity may persist long-term in recovered COVID-19 patients.
Then there is a very large study in preprint from a group in Israel. They studied data from 700,000(!) patients. The study looked at recent infections with the delta variant. It compared those with natural immunity without vaccination, natural immunity with a subsequent dose of vaccine, versus Covid-naïve patients who have been vaccinated. All the previous Covid infections or vaccinations were in the January/February 2021 timeframe.
They came to several conclusions. #1. Vaccinated Covid-naive patients were 13 times more likely to have a breakthrough infection with the delta variant, than those with natural immunity. They were 27 times more likely to get significant symptoms. Those results were among patients who had been infected in January–February 2021. They then looked at a broader group of previously infected subjects whose illnesses go back as far as March 2020. Those patients were still at an advantage with 5.7 times more infections in the vaccinated group. They did find that a single dose of vaccine (Pfizer) seemed to have a slightly positive effect on those with previous infections but the data did not reach statistical significance.
Still, with more and more data reinforcing the strong immunity of recovered patients, the CDC and the NIH ignore the issue and want to mandate “the jab” for the recovered. It is important to remember that the incidence of side effects of these vaccines is much higher in those previously infected. Those of us who are in that situation clearly have no ethical obligation to be vaccinated and are rightfully wary to do so.
By the way, very quietly in the last week or so, the CDC changed its definition of vaccination. Here’s what things look like in late August:
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Lowered expectations?
One last topic. It is become fashionable among my vaccine-obsessed friends to use the term” horse wormer” to describe ivermectin. I believe this was pioneered by Rachel Maddow to mock its use. Ivermectin is a WHO essential medication, given to literally millions of people for treatment of parasitic infections. It is very inexpensive and very safe. Obviously, it is also used in veterinary circles.
It has been known for some time to have antiviral properties. There is now a significant amount of data to suggest that it is useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of Covid 19. I’ve been easily able to acquire the tablet form at my local pharmacy. The problem is medical boards that are suppressing its use, in concert with the NIH and Pharma. Remember, if Ivermectin works, there’s no EUA for any vaccines, per CDC policy.
Interestingly, I understand Pfizer and Merck are coming out with a ”Covid treatment pill”. This will be on-patent, and likely fairly pricey. I wonder if they’ll call it Newvermectin.
It’s just a thought.
If there is an overriding theme to this post, and to my previous posts, it is that this very real pandemic, has resulted in the unmasking of the players: public health authorities, and big Pharma who are not working for our welfare but for their own. They manipulate facts, ignore others, and create rules meant to increase their power and wealth, often at our expense. They deny us early treatment despite the data supporting it. Their partners in the media assist in their subterfuge. As a physician, this has caused me to question almost everything I have happily gone along with in the past. The scales have fallen off my eyes.
I believe our best bet is to study closely the real data, to utilize vaccines, and medications when they will be efficacious, and remain very skeptical of the “facts” as presented, by government health agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Quite honestly, we’re on our own.
As always, I’d be honored if you’d share this post.
It is been a year and 5 months since the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last week, the false promise of vaccination fed to us by government health officials have been proven to be a lie. And who is the whistleblower? It is none other than the “Dean of gain of function” Dr. Anthony Fauci himself. And he accomplished this with one statement which has gone on to have multiple impacts.
The good doctor had been trying to explain the CDC’s recent update on masking, reintroducing the practice. He made this statement in an interview with NPR:
“The fact that you have a high level of virus in the nasal pharynx of an infected person who has a breakthrough, namely was vaccinated but had a breakthrough infection, and is now capable of transmitting that infection to an uninfected person, that is the thing that is a bit alarming in the sense of triggering the change in the guidelines that the CDC.”
This has multiple implications. It is true the current vaccinations reduce somewhat people’s chances of contracting COVID-19. But the delta variant may be more resistant than previous strains.
There are and were always going to be breakthrough infections. After all, this is a coronavirus, and for the most part, people get re-infected multiple times during their lives. What the vaccine consistently seems to do, is to protect us against severe disease and keep the infection minimally symptomatic, like a cold. Well, that is certainly useful.
But we have been harangued by the government, that we must obtain the vaccine for the good of humanity; to stop the pandemic and prevent the spread to our fellow man. We now have both governmental and private entities demanding that you be vaccinated if you are to go to their school, work at their facility, or even patronize their business. All of this is said to be for the greater good.
Pardon my French, but given Fauci’s statement, that is total bullsh*t.
If there is a significant breakthrough of this newest variant (between 10 and 40% of new cases), then that concept is now dead. The virus admittedly reduces new infections but does not in any way eliminate them. It’s beginning to look like the main benefit of the vaccine is to the vaccinated person only. It facilitates a mild infection which can lead to more complete natural immunity. In the process of that, however, the breakthrough cases can still spread the virus to others.
Thus, the decision to get “the jabs” is really no one’s business but one’s own. If vaccinated patients can get high titer infections often enough to require re-masking, then there is really no public health issue.
And of course, multiple studies show that vaccinating those with natural immunity confers no benefit. Still, our leaders insist.
There is another interesting twist to Dr. Fauci’s statement. In the months surrounding the vaccine release, I watched a podcast featuring a molecular biologist who was being interviewed. As I recall she was extremely well credentialed and talked about 2 potential problems with the proposed vaccines. She discussed the potential for autoimmunity for which there was a fairly widespread concern. She also discussed a phenomenon that can occur after taking the vaccine that could actually make your next infection worse. Because it was a single source, I did not write about this but filed it in my memory.
When Dr. Fauci described high nasopharyngeal titers in both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients alarm bells went off for some in the virology community. Enter Dr. Robert Malone, a physician/pathologist, and vaccinologist who apparently was involved in the development of mRNA vaccine technology. Speaking on Steve Bannon’s podcast he explained that Fauci’s statement was very concerning.
He explained that it is difficult to create vaccines against certain viral types including RSV, the dengue virus, and coronavirus. One of the issues is something called “antibiotic-directed enhancement”. This is a process that apparently occurs particularly when the vaccine effects begin to wane (as may be happening with the Pfizer product). The patient contracts the illness, but only a modest number of antibodies then attach themselves to the virus. This is followed by so-called killer cells (monocytes and macrophages) which attach to the antibodies and destroy the virus. Here’s a very detailed and balanced look at this effect (written this January, before Delta).
If, however, ADE occurs, then the virus can actually invade the monocytes and macrophages, reproduce within them, and destroy their functionality. This leads to much higher viral titers and a much more severe illness. Dr. Malone is concerned that the fact that vaccinated patients having such robust viral loads could mean that this is occurring with the Covid vaccines.
This process can be confirmed by measuring the serum viral titers in groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients to check for this “enhancement” effect in the vaccinated. If this is indeed a problem, he claims that the use of the products involved should be discontinued. This has occurred in the past in both human and veterinary vaccine trials.
There has always been a cheaper, and more elegant way to “herd immunity”. There is more and more data to confirm the efficacy of inexpensive, safe, repurposed medications such as hydroxychloroquine and particularly Ivermectin to decrease the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. Using these drugs in protocols to treat patients could potentially have significantly reduced hospitalizations and saved many lives. It also would’ve led to more durable and complete immunity for our population.
Unfortunately, though, it would’ve interfered with Big Pharma’s bottom line, so we, the people lose.
It’s time for everyone to examine the facts and think for themselves. Our government officials are now flailing around in their own web of ignorance and lies.
Be your own best advocate.
As always, I’d be honored if you would share.
Header image: August on the Nescopeck( Samsung Galaxy S20 5G UW)
It is week 3 since the return of normal commerce and culture to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is wonderful to freely socialize, shake hands, and gasp, even hug family and friends that have been absent for so long.
In fact, the only place where I have to wear a mask is during work, at our VA hospital where the Federal Government still requires face covering.
There are some sad sequelae from the pandemic. For instance, in my case, I had close friends who avoided contact with me for the entire pandemic. Hopefully, this was because of my job, which involved caring for Covid-stricken veterans. Last November, I was infected and recovered. Recently it became clear that these friends still shun me, even though they are vaccinated. They claim it is because I am not.
I have written before about this. When vaccines were first available, doses were limited, I felt ethically, that since I had been infected and very likely was immune, I ought to hold back until more vulnerable people had been immunized. Now with vaccines widely available, I continue to hesitate. Because of this, some people choose to keep their distance.
My reasons for not being vaccinated basically fall into 2 categories:
#1. At least for now, I don’t believe it’s necessary for recovered patient’s to be immunized.
#2. I have concerns over the technology of the new vaccines and the reports of scary side effects, including roughly 11,000 vaccine-linked deaths reported in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS).
I have been watching the literature closely regarding the question of the post-recovery immunity of COVID-19 patients. Early on, there were several studies looking at antibody levels post-recovery. The consensus seems to be that antibody levels are quite high immediately post-infection. There was a point where they appeared to fall which was an early concern, but it now appears that they plateau at a healthy level. So far, since the first infections were seen, this continues to be true.
A recent study out of New York University looked at the characteristics of the immune response in recovered patients, versus those who are vaccinated. It concluded that “Both the natural infection and mRNA vaccination-induced robust innate and adaptive responses but the authors noticed material differences in the two cohorts”. It was noted that the Pfizer vaccine activated fewer portions of the immune system, whereas natural immunity had a broader response.
Getting any of the vaccines basically exposes you to one small protein on the virus, the “S” or spike protein. This makes up a small percentage of the antibody “targets” on the virus. It does currently confer immunity. Should the spike protein mutate sufficiently ( which does happen), then these mRNA vaccines could well be rendered ineffective. Natural immunity exposes your body to the whole virus. This includes many more antibody targets creating redundancy to protect from new strains.
In April 2021 researchers from the Israel Institute of Technology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Sheba Medical Center studied the effectiveness of immunity derived from the Pfizer vaccine, versus natural immunity in recovered patients. They found that in terms of percentage effectiveness they were essentially equal in terms of recurrence and hospitalization. They tried to compare deaths, but there were no deaths in the natural immunity arm of the study.
Even more convincing was COVID 19 data from May 2021, to the present, compiled by the Israeli Health Ministry to analyze their most recent outbreak (delta variant). It also compared those who were vaccinated to unvaccinated patients who had recovered from Covid. The data suggests that in Israel you were 6.7 times more likely to be reinfected if you were merely vaccinated, versus recovered from infection. From this data, Israel is trying to decide whether another round of boosters will be necessary.
Even the NIH appears to support post-recovery immunity. In this article from their website, they describe a study done in the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California that was actually funded by Dr. Fauci’s own agency, the NIAID. Here’s a quote from the article dated 1/21/2021 “our studies showed that natural infection induced a strong response, and this study now shows that the responses last,” Weiskopf says. “We are hopeful that a similar pattern of responses lasting over time will also emerge for the vaccine-induced responses.”
Of course, I am also aware of the availability of cheap, available and effective anti-Covid therapy in the form of ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. I have had a rather dramatic reversal of my own Covid symptoms last November after taking the latter medication.
Given all of this evidence, and the controversies surrounding the vaccine, I have elected to pass for now. If natural immunity is shown to wane in the future, I would of course be vaccinated, especially as I’m aware that there are several conventional inactivated-virus type immunizations in the pipeline.
This is not meant to be a rant against vaccination. What I wish to get across, is that the products currently offered are not completely benign and still not FDA approved. The decision to be vaccinated should be based on your risks of serious illness, versus the risk of vaccine complications. A 75-year-old obese diabetic should certainly get the “jabs”. An 18-year-old healthy college student… probably not.
As I have written in the past, I feel it’s important for people to do their own research before acquiescing to the government’s recommendations. There is a larger agenda here, one that likely involves unhealthy relationships between government health officials, and big Pharma.
I’ll keep my own counsel for now.
As always I would Be honored if you’d share.
Header Image: Elizabeth’s View( Samsung Galaxy S 20 5G UW)
It has been a year and 10 weeks since our lives were fundamentally altered by a pathogen we are coming to realize was a veritable bioweapon cooked up and sloppily released by the CCP, with monies from the NIH. I am happy to say that we do appear to be emerging into a post-Covid world with decreasing cases and increasing vaccinations.
You may remember that my last post back on May 7 was titled “They’re all lying to us”. Given subsequent developments, it appears this is more true than even I believed. From my point of view, it looks like certain people should be indicted for perjury. It also appears that whatever sliver of credibility was retained by the so-called “mainstream media” should be doused in gasoline and burned to cinders.
Here in Pennsylvania, it’s definitely beginning to feel as though the pandemic is ending. There were 2 public questions on the ballot in the recent primary that were designed to limit the governor’s emergency declaration powers. Both passed easily. Gov. Wolfe has announced the end of pandemic restrictions as of late May, but given the new rules, they may actually have expired already.
I point this out because there is no longer any incentive to spin the pandemic so as to minimize Government restrictions. That’s over.
In a matter of 2 weeks, we have seen a huge shift in mainstream opinion on the origins of the virus. Since my last article, the dogma that the SARs Cov-2 virus spread through a “wet market” has all but collapsed. It is increasingly acknowledged that the likely source of this virus was a P4 lab run by the Chinese Communist Party.
At the onset of the illness in Wuhan, after initial intra-virology community disclosures, the Chinese prohibited all information from being released by the Wuhan lab. Shortly afterward, Chinese health authorities descended on a “fish market” in the town. This was done to create the myth that bats sold as “bushmeat” were the source of the infection.
They were ably assisted in this deception by the World Health Organization, the CDC, and by the NIH and NIAID (Dr. Fauci’s organization).
The selling of the “natural source theory” of the bat virus origins was going swimmingly, until last spring, when both Republican Senator Tom Cotton and then-President Trump, claimed to be privy to intelligence suggesting that the virus originated in the Wuhan Lab.
Let us just say that terms like debunked, discredited, dismissed, hoax and crackpot, all came into common press usage in the weeks afterward. This treatment was also the response to the extremely well-documented report published at that time by Joshua Phillips of the Epoch Times.
So, now it’s May 2021. Within a few weeks, multiple well-established journalists publish reports, supporting, very credibly, the lab origin theory. Suddenly, with Donald Trump banished, the press has changed its tune.
With the press embargo apparently lifted, information starts to flow, Suddenly we find out that in November 2019, 3 workers in the Wuhan lab became ill with symptoms consistent with the virus, so much so that they were transported to a hospital.
We know from the Phillips report, that even the Chinese government investigation found that the first four victims of coronavirus were known to have had nothing to do with the “wet market”.
We have also learned, that in early 2020 both the Australian and Thailand intelligence services, reported to the US on a possible release at the Wuhan site.
Suddenly the Trump and Cotton statements start to make sense. This also explains why the Trump CDC head, Robert Redfield, also supports a lab origin for the virus.
Apparently now, quite suddenly, so does Dr. Fauci. He spent over a year decrying the possibility rather vehemently and mocking those who espouse it. Suddenly this week, he has quietly alluded to the possibility and now suggests an investigation into the matter. I have no words that would express adequately my disgust.
As Tucker Carlson pointed out in a recent opening segment, if the virus was engineered or just accidentally released from the lab, then this is the single worst (by far) man-made disaster in human history. That would make the people that diverted, dissembled, and outright lied to withhold the truth major world-class villains.
One more thought: Donald Trump’s endorsement of the lab origin theory was enough to set the national press on an organized effort to discredit the concept. Now with their dream of his defeat realized, they are suddenly completely reversing their opinion.
What else did Trump endorse? He endorsed hydroxychloroquine, which prompted the same exact response from the press, as well as Dr. Fauci, despite all manner of data, from anecdotal, to peer-reviewed that supported its use, early on, in the disease course.
If this effort to discredit the medication was to “get Trump”, then those who were involved in the effort may be responsible for thousands of patients who may have experienced severe illness or even death, because early treatment was withheld.
I want to remind you that these lies hurt people of all political stripes, not just conservatives. The elite media’s manipulation of the facts potentially harmed even their own loyal consumers. No one should ever trust them again.
In a just world, those public officials and associates who for political reasons, distorted and withheld information needed to address this pandemic would be investigated, and if necessary, indicted and tried. The journalists and pundits who supported the effort would be mocked, shamed, and hopefully fired. Their employers would be sued into bankruptcy by the victims and their families.
The lesson we should learn from this is simple. There is essentially no ethics left in either government, “big tech” or the media. Do your own research(on DuckDuckGo not on Google). If Facebook suppresses a viewpoint, find out more about it.
Stop parroting the orthodoxy on social media. Those posts may not age well.
Form your own opinion. Don’t be afraid if it conflicts with the viewpoint of your particular political or identity group.
In these increasingly weird times… it could save your life.
It has a been year and 7 weeks since our lives were truncated by the ruling elites, on account of a virus from China. Here in the US, vaccinations are being made available to a greater portion of the population, and more and more states, including my own, are easing their grip on our lifestyle.
This is our second spring under regulation, and it seems that this year, warming temperature have definitely brought out a lush growth of Covid 19 fatigue. Given our circumstances, I think it is justified.
I for one have absolutely had it with the policy people at the CDC. The new masking guidelines, giving us permission to gather outside without masks, only if it with household members or people known to be vaccinated, is ludicrous on its face. It will obviously be universally ignored. Don’t get me started about Dr. Fauci and his wildly meandering utterances. Someone needs to put a stop to his media appearances.
Especially since he bears some responsibility for our situation.
I have been perusing the internet for more Covid news. I recently encountered Sharyl Attkisson’s report on the origins of Covid on one of the compilation sites. I posted it earlier this week on Facebook. Based on multiple sources and documents both conclude that the virus was likely engineered in a Wuhan virology lab and then escaped out into the population. This was a lab had been noted by multiple organizations to have poor containment policies. This “gain of function” research was being done in cooperation with virologists at the University of North Carolina. And… it was funded by the NIH. Yes, our NIH.
Just to clarify: “gain of function” in this care means modifying an animal virus …to infect humans.
Regarding coronavirus, “big tech” continues to lie and distort. Earlier in the week when I posted Attkinsson’s report, it was quickly followed by a disclaimer from Facebook.
Her report reminded me of a video from April of 2020 written by Joshua Phillips of the Epoch Times, a right of center publication. Reflexively I searched the video to review it. The list of citations Google provided me only included articles ridiculing the theory of the lab origins of the virus and the Phillips documentary. Reading over the list of titles would tend to make one convinced that this was a “crackpot” theory, and move on.
I then searched for the article on the unbiased search engine DuckDuckGo and immediately found the Phillips video as one of the first citations. Watching it again reminded me of how incredibly well researched and persuasive it is. Invest the time, it’s definitely worth it.
What makes this dismissive Google search so infuriating, is that this is no longer a “crackpot” theory. It has been proposed and investigated and promoted by Josh Rogin of the Washington Post, Robert Redfield, the former CDC director. Add in the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the institution most responsible for our nation’s bioterrorism defense. They apparently did a secret investigation in the spring of last year and raised the same concerns. Make no mistake: Google is lying, probably on China’s behalf.
So here is another wrinkle to this story. When asked about Dr. Redfield’s opinion, Dr. Fauci attempted to shoot down, continuing to claim that the virus passed from a bat species (found nowhere near Wuhan Province) to humans directly. Well here’s the thing: The gain of function coronavirus research going on at Wuhan was being done in cooperation with the University of North Carolina, through several NIH grants including one ultimately sourced to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
Apparently the leader of that organization, who has been called “the godfather of gain of function research” was forced to move this portion of the research to the Wuhan lab at China, when in 2014 the Obama administration declared a moratorium on these practices. The work went on even though multiple scientists in virology circles warned against continuing. It was performed in a lab that were the subjective multiple memos by the US State Department questioning the lack of safety protocols.
Who is the “godfather”? That would be Anthony Fauci.
This may explain a lot. For instance, imagine you’re the beloved Dr Fauci, in early January 2020, and you hear about a viral outbreak, specifically respiratory, in Wuhan China, in the same city you’re sponsoring gain of function research on respiratory viruses.
I’m pretty sure that was a holy sh*t moment for the good doctor.
Fortunately, there happens to be a “wet” market a few blocks from the lab. That made a good cover story for all involved including our NIH/NIAID people as well as the Chinese Communist Party. Neither party would confess that particular sin.
In the early going it made sense for Dr. Fauci to downplay the seriousness of the outbreak. He probably hoped that it would remain confined to East Asia and fade quickly (like SARS1). On January 21, 2020, at the onset of the outbreak in an interview, he stated: “This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,”. At the same time, he reassured us that they were “taking it seriously”.
As late as March 8, 2020, Dr. Fauci stated “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”
Unfortunately, this was not SARS1 and by late March had begun to spread throughout the globe including the United States. And the overzealous, inconsistent, mask-loving Covid-scold Fauci was born.