This article appeared in The American Thinker on 7/21 2022
The FDA is broken. In a three-year span, they have morphed from a regulatory agency that set the standard for the world, to an illogical, incompetent, and apparently corrupt organization running interference for Big Pharma. Three of their recent inane decisions illustrate this metamorphosis.
It is understood, that the current inoculations for Covid 19, are no longer functional as vaccines. At best, they might be attenuating the severity of infections. Dr. Fauci himself recently acknowledged this. It has been accepted over the years that coronaviruses make poor subjects for vaccines given their tendency to mutate rather rapidly. If there was any doubt of this, SARS co-V2 has proven this tendency.
It’s one thing for the vaccines to be ineffective. It is entirely another problem that they are, by the CDC’s own data, responsible for more adverse effects, and deaths in the 18 months they have been in use, than all of the 26 other vaccines monitored for the last 30 years.
A functioning FDA would recognize this and put a halt to the current vaccines which are not only dangerous but designed for a virus that essentially no longer exists. In fact, the drug companies themselves are talking about the fact that need an updated vaccine for the omicron variants. The vaccine they propose will target the first omicron variant, which has since mutated to multiple new sub-variants.
But these vaccines are huge profit centers for the pharmaceutical industry. So the FDA continues this charade.
Instead, the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee recently voted 21/0 to approve the use of the current ineffective vaccines, to immunize children between six months and five years of age. This is a group for whom the risk of significant illness and death from Covid 19, is near zero.
The FDA used to maintain strict oversight over the vaccine industry. This is why would take roughly 5 years to move the vaccine to “approved” status. It takes time obviously for long-term safety data studies. But because of this, vaccine safety in the United States was impressive. And also because of this, it was impractical to even think about vaccinating for rapidly mutating organisms.
Now we approve vaccines in about six months. And vaccine safety has done to hell
The current FDA also voted on new vaccine proposals from Pfizer and Moderna. They have proposed a bivalent vaccine that includes mRNA code for protein specific for omicron. The committee voted 19 to 2 to approve this essentially as a modification of the existing products. The drug companies stated that they can probably make the product available by October. So once again, we create essentially a new vaccine that includes different mRNA coding for different proteins, one we may be compelled to take, with none of the previous precautions that kept us safe. We already know how that turns out.
Finally, we have another of Pharma’s favorite tools, the emergency use authorization. According to the FDA, an EUA is granted when “there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives”. Here the FDA has completely lost its way. In this case, they inexplicably granted emergency authorization to Novavax’s new Covid vaccine. They did this despite the fact that there are already two formally approved vaccines. Not that we’ve never seen these vaccines, because contrary to their own rules, the FDA continues to permit Pfizer and Moderna to distribute their unapproved products which are still being given under their EUA. Conveniently, this preserves the legal immunity for the two pharmaceutical giants.
I have nothing against the Novavax product. It uses a more time-tested technology and it might even be a little safer than the mRNA vaccines. Unfortunately, it still involves the spike protein (which is arguably toxic), it is still targeted at the original coronavirus and it also seems to cause myocarditis in young men. There was absolutely no reason for it to be rushed into service.
Regulatory capture is an economic theory that regulatory agencies may come to be dominated by the interests they regulate and not by the public interest. The result is that the agency acts in ways that benefit the interests it is supposed to regulate. Certainly, the FDA appears to be behaving in a way that brings this theory to life. With behavior that is this egregious, it is impossible to trust in the medications and vaccines that the agency approves. For this physician, this is a national crisis.
Covid 19 was never a good candidate for a vaccine strategy. Undoubtedly the pharmaceutical industry understood the science, but also could not resist the potential for an enormous profit. And I think they knew the FDA would play along.
Boy, did they ever.
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