It is been a year and 7 months since a viral pandemic exposed the craven liars who are in charge of our public health organizations, their absolute fealty to “Big Pharma” and disregard for the welfare of the common man.
The indoctrination of the citizenry into fear of a viral respiratory infection has been accomplished through a supplicant news media. The more weak-minded individuals who are their acolytes, are now in conflict with more skeptical folks, who notice the discrepancies in what they’re being told, and refuse to submit. I guess at this point, I stand with the latter group.
I am absolutely infuriated over the draconian vaccine mandates imposed by the current administration. Both Anthony Fauci, and CDC head Dr. Rachel Walinsky have publicly stated that the vaccine does not prevent spread. In multiple reports, viral titers in vaccinated patients with recurrence, are as high as, or higher than those of unvaccinated patients. As I have stated multiple times, the value of the vaccine is to reduce the severity of your illness, which may get you safely through a Covid infection, towards much more potent natural immunity.
Over the last several weeks, I have been touched by this in my personal life. The small community where I live has a social organization and a fairly lively schedule of events. One of my favorites is a dinner that occurs in early October, which serves as a fundraiser. Typically, my wife and I will invite 3 other couples to join us, filling a table. The event could not occur last year, and we were excited to see it return.
Unfortunately, when the invitation came out, it was accompanied by a new rule: Vaccinated only.
Now people involved with this dinner, read my articles. They are aware that I have been infected and thus have not been vaccinated (my wife who was never infected, has had her two inoculations).
So, my group and I were not invited. I know some others in the community who, based on this rule, were also excluded. A couple of days ago, the dinner, apparently not a draw this year, was canceled. What is sad is that, given the failure of the vaccine to prevent spread, making it mandatory for the event was useless and counterproductive.
The problem is you can’t reason with people. When I am in the Adirondacks, I enjoy stopping into a small private club in town. I was there a couple of weeks ago and stopped off only to find a sign on the front door, with a “vaccination only” message”. I was told that the Board of Directors had decided on this policy. Later in the week, I encountered one of the board members (a pretty nice guy by the way). I made the argument above, which I think frustrated him. He finally ended the discussion by saying: “We had to do something about Covid!”.
There you go. I moved on to another topic.
Dr. Fauci is really in need of retirement (and indictment?) at this point. His arrogance and his blatant dishonesty are constantly on display in the media. He was recently asked by Margaret Brennan, moderator of “Face the Nation”, whether we can “gather for Christmas, or it is just too soon to tell?’ Now this is a stupid question on a lot of levels. His reflexive answer was “it’s just too soon to tell”. This to me speaks volumes about the control these people believe they should have on our behavior. Now in fairness, he has backpeddled rather aggressively after a nasty response on social media, but for a minute we caught a glimpse of his mindset.
A much more infuriating comment was made in an interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta at CNN. Fauci was asked a question, referencing recent data out of Israel suggesting that natural immunity is much more potent than that induced by the vaccination. He responded: “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that” he went on to question the durability of natural immunity versus that from “the jab”.
This is literally unbelievable. This is a man who is in charge of all responses to Covid. He would, or at least should have knowledge of the published material on this topic. No really firm answer? If that is not a deliberate lie, then he is incompetent.
The CDC estimates there are likely as many as 120 million people that have recovered from Covid. These people deserve a well-reasoned answer to the question of whether to be vaccinated. Given the amazing amount of data, from well-designed well-controlled studies that consistently show more complete and durable immunity can be achieved naturally, one is definitely available. He is undoubtedly the reason why, the NIH and CDC recommend post-infection vaccination even though there is a large increase in adverse effects, many serious, in this group.
I do think the vultures are circling for the good doctor. First, Francis Collins, Fauci’s boss and the longtime head of the NIH resigned. Then the NIH releases a letter to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, essentially admitting to the fact that indeed they funded indirectly, gain-of-function research on bat viruses in the Wuhan lab. This directly contradicts testimony given under oath by both Fauci and Collins. Here’s the story, from that notorious right-wing publication Vanity Fair.
Finally, there is the topic of molnupiravir, Merck’s new antiviral currently in trials for the treatment of Covid 19. In a preliminary study of 385 early Covid patients (vs 377 placebo), it dropped hospitalization rates from roughly 14 to roughly 7% credited as a 50% improvement. The tablet, which is said to cost $70 a tablet, and was given as 4 tablets, twice a day for 5 days.
Enter Dr. Fauci again. After the results of a single Merck-sponsored study, he proclaimed: “the results of the trial that were just announced yesterday and the day before are really quite impressive”. Think back now to spring 2020, and his skepticism of promising early results on cheap and readily available hydroxychloroquine. Not much difference in the quality of data but a big difference in his enthusiasm.
Of course, there is Merck’s old off-patent drug Ivermectin, or in CNN usage book: “horse dewormer”.
A recent meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics rigorously evaluated the 60 or so available Ivermectin papers and ended up screening down to 24 randomized control trials, looking at mortality as an outcome. On average the studies showed a 62% decrease in mortality for ivermectin versus placebo. There were also improved severity outcomes also though they were not a primary endpoint. What was the reaction from Dr. Fauci… crickets?
The cost of Ivermectin? The drug is somewhat in demand now and has gotten more expensive. I looked on GoodRx and found that the standard course for treatment of Covid costs between $29 and $60 depending on the pharmacy, and whether you had coupons. In developing countries, the cost of a course is under 2 dollars
Here’s the best part. The government has committed to purchasing $1.7 billion of molnupiravir, should it get past the FDA. This is after spending billions more on its development. This was done despite the fact that we have a cheap, safe, repurposed drug that appears to be just as if not more efficacious.
It should be clear now, that this tapestry of lies woven by public health officials, Pharma, our elected officials, and the press, is rather obviously unraveling:
The vaccines are not really vaccines, and they don’t prevent spread. At best, they function as marginally effective therapeutics.
Our monovalent (one protein) vaccines are likely facilitating the emergence of new variants. SARS-CoV-2 was a product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab and was funded illegally, by the NIH/NIAID.
Federal and state governments continue to impose draconian vaccine mandates, despite the fact that they are useless, likely unconstitutional, and immoral.
And perhaps worst of all Big Pharma used its extraordinary influence to suppress cheap, effective therapy for this pandemic, costing likely hundreds of thousands of lives for the sake of profit.
What scares me the most is that as a society, I don’t know whether we will ever have enough insight, and integrity, to sort through all of this, and to punish those who are responsible.
If not, God help us.
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Header image : Fisherman on Black Pond (Fujifilm XE3, XF 18-55mm f2.8-4)